2007科尔尼笔试Case study

2019-12-09 10:49 作者 :佚名 围观 : TAG标签:

对于本科生而言,从薪水来讲,最好的工作是进国际的投行或咨询公司。案例面试必不可少。我的一个好朋友,同济01级本科毕业,起步月薪一万有余,就任职于国际顶尖的战略管理咨询公司。但是,钱不是这么好拿的。从实习经历、简历筛选、pre-talk、一轮又一轮的面试、案例面试到拿offer,没有点实力是到不了的。 求职面试

  下面是一个对于undergraduate有点复杂的案例面试分析。大家先看看,感觉一下。这个案例资料是我看了这么多觉得最好一个的学习资料了,来之不易啊。希望学弟学妹们对自己提出更高一点的要求,不要觉得没事做,耽误了大学最好的机会——算是学姐我一点衷心的建议吧。也希望材料人的就业路能越来越宽阔:) qzm4

  P.S. 英语表达一定要好,不出意外的话,所有的面试和案例都是英文的。(可能很多人没接触过案例,我稍微标注下,希望有帮助:) 求职面试

  Case setup (facts offered by interviewer): 面试问题

  q Your client is a manufacturer of bicycles


  q They have been in business for 25 years


  q They manufacturer and sell three categories of bicycles: 礼仪

  Ø Racing bikes: High end, high performance bikes for sophisticated cyclists


    Ø Mainstream bikes: Durable, but not overly complicated bikes for everyday riders qzm4

  Ø Children’s bikes: Smaller, simpler versions of their mainstream bikes for children


  q Profits at your client have decreased over the past five years 礼仪



  q What is driving the decline in overall profits? 礼仪

  q What recommendations might correct the situation? 面试问题

  (以上这些是面试官给你的相关商业信息和问你的问题。一般只需解决第一问,即什么导致了利润下滑。如果找出适当的改进意见当然是加分项。回答第二问是对MBA的要求。) 求职面试

  Suggested solutions: 面试问题

  The first question is to determine what has caused overall profits to decrease. To accomplish this the candidate must first understand what has transpired in each of the three product categories over the past five years during which profitability has slipped. The following are questions and answers that would be provided in an interview scenario. 求职信息

  (案例分析需要你在潜意识里适当运用商业模型。这里面就融入了cost-profit and 4P framework.提醒一下,以下的问题是你要问面试官,他来回答的。你借助面试官的回答,用合理的逻辑来分析和回答他最初的问题。当然,面试者的问题无定式,一下给出的只是个参考的例子)


  q What are the client’s margins for a bicycle in each of the three segments?


  Racing: Cost = $600/unit, Profit=$300/unit 33% 求职信息

  Mainstream: Cost = $250/unit, Profit = $75/unit 23% 礼仪

  Children’s: Cost = $ 200/unit, Profit = $50/unit 20% 礼仪

  q What has happened to the market size of each of the three segments over the past five years?


  Racing: Has remained constant at its present size of $300MM 面试问题

  Mainstream: Has increased at 2% growth rate per year to its present size of $1.0B


  Children’s: Has increased at 3% growth rate per year to its present size of $400MM qzm4

  q What has happened to our client’s market share in each of these segments?


  Racing: Market share has decreased from 60% to 30% 礼仪

  Mainstream: Market share has increased from 0% to 5%


  Children’s: Market share has increased from 0% to 3% 面试网

  q Who are the client’s major competitors in each market segment? What has happened to their market share in each segment over the past five years? 礼仪

  Racing: There is one main competitor and a host of small firms. Your main competitor has increased market share from 30% to 50%


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