四级成绩查询 四级分数分配情况(通用5篇)

2023-07-18 14:30 作者 :admin 围观 : TAG标签: 句子 句子结构 英语句子 四级分数分配情况

CET-4(大学英语四级考试)每一个题型的分数、所占总分的比例及多少分及格,如何做好考试时间的分配呢?它山之石可以攻玉,下面求职面试网为您精心整理了5篇《四级成绩查询 四级分数分配情况》,希望朋友们参阅后能够文思泉涌。


级成绩查询 四级分数分配情况 篇一

dear friend,


it’s generally acknowledged that university life will serve as an important turning point in your life span. to make the best of your college life in order to enrich yourself and improve your competitiveness in the future, you can refer to the following suggestions.


a healthy physical condition will be the fundamental driving force for both your study and future work. so it is one of the priorities to do regular exercises such as jogging and swimming or taking part in outdoor activities with your classmates and friends.


another thing you should keep in mind is that actively involving yourself in a range of contests and competitions is beneficial for you to explore your own strength and meanwhile to spot your weakness so that you can have access to possible solutions. each opportunity to challenge yourself can be seen as preparation for the future competition in society so you would get the hang of good performance and being confident through those contests.


and finally, you should try to make full use of your college library. in addition to those professional books related to your major, you should also attach great importance to reading books 面试问题

of different themes such as literature, language, psychology and internet. you can make a reading list each semester according to your taste so as to cultivate yourself to be more knowledgeable, which is one of the indispensable quality for future competitors. qzm4

yours sincerely, kristy


级成绩查询 四级分数分配情况 篇二





在闲暇时间经常背背单词,不要用单词书背,而是选择边读文章边记下自己想背的单词,做成自己专属的单词本,这样背单词更容易培养语感和对英语学习的兴趣,单词也更容易记牢。养成看英语电影的习惯,但不追求情节,而是借此练习听力,对照剧本学习语句。不要因为没有人监督自己的学习就懈怠了英语,只有不断保持一定量的训练,才不会生疏。 qzm4

三、考前强化 面试问题



考试前的强化训练也要科学的进行,比如尽量把时间安排在考试时段,使大脑的思维习惯于在那个时段用英语思考。每种题型都要进行练习,并重点练习自己不熟练的题型,不断分析自己的错误主要出现在哪里,举一反三,节省时间。 面试网

四、考试镇定 面试网

考试前休息好是非常重要的,良好的精神状态可以保证你在考试的时候正常发挥。但是,也不能太过放松,以“裸考”的心态去应付,拿高分是不太可能的。最好的状态时调整到比较兴奋但又能静下心来的阶段,这样能帮助自己快速融入考试。 求职信息

级成绩查询 四级分数分配情况 篇三

我的学习计划将采取学与练相结合的方式。英语四级的题型有作文,阅读理解,听力,完形填空和翻译: 礼仪

一、单词 礼仪

所有这些题型的基础当然就是单词了,因此首先应从单词着手。四级词汇一共是4750个,由于之前已经大致看过一遍,发现并不是很好记忆。 qzm4

后来我就选择用专研真题的方法来学习词汇,巨微英语的阅读真题中对每一个句子中的陌生单词都有详细的解析,什么词性、词义、近反义词、相关词组呀什么的都有,不查字典就能看懂文章。而我发现既然如此,那就把单词放在阅读真题里面来记忆吧!反正纯单词我是背不过的,就这样不久之后,我发现我能读通英语句子了。 求职信息

二、语法 礼仪







听力是我的薄弱环节,这点主要通过多听来强化。之所以把听力放在第三步就是在掌握了一定的基础之后,读懂听力就不是问题了,这种情况下听懂听力翻译原文就不是问题了。 面试问题



除此以外,还要多听一些学校发放的听力材料。当然平时在娱乐的同时可以通过看美剧,英语新闻来加强听力。在听的同时能够加强写的能力。相信如此下去,听力将不会阻碍你的四级通关之路。 求职面试



之前已经掌握了一定的词汇量和语法了,接下来主要通过做真题练习来得到提高。建议你每两天一份真题。可能此时你会存在这样的问题,句子文章可以读懂,题目却做不对。建议用巨微英语四级真题逐句精解赠送的解题技巧小册子学习一下技巧。也可以对照一下真题解析的答案,它后面有干扰项分析和那道题的大纲考点,可以帮助你更好地把握真题。如此一来,阅读就搞定了。 求职信息





级成绩查询 四级分数分配情况 篇四

suppose your school is organizing an orientation program(新生训练;新生练习)to help the freshmen adapt to the new environment and academic studies. you are now to write a proposal, which may include its aim, duration, participants and activities.


proposal for an orientation program


dear sir or madam, 礼仪

i’m 名字。 i’m writing to make a proposal to conduct an orientation program for freshmen. the major purpose of the orientation program is to enable freshmen to adapt to the campus environment and academic life as soon as possible. the duration of the project is expected to be one week. participants include all freshmen, teachers and academic staff. 面试网

the orientation is pided into three parts: a school lecture, a student activity and a campus tour. in the school lecture, we will introduce the school background, professional training objectives and how to select courses, so as to help students quickly embark on their learning journey. at the student activity, there will be some interesting games to help freshmen get to know each other quickly and make contacts. the last part is a campus tour, where students will visit the schools teaching building, library, restaurant, and so on, so as to help them to quickly adjust to campus life.


i hope the freshmen can quickly a*求职面试网 *dapt to the new environment and academic studies through this orientation. i’m looking forward to your reply. wish you all the best.


yours sincerely, 面试网

name 求职面试

suppose your university student union is planning to hold a speech are now to write a proposal for organizing the contest. the proposal may include the topic, aim, procedure and selection of contestants. you will have 30 minutes to write the proposal.


dear sir or madam: qzm4

im 名字, a second-year student from business department. im writing to make a proposal about holding a college-wide english public speaking contest with the topic of ^v^university as i see it^v^. 面试问题

the aims of the contest are twofold. first, students all over the university are offered an opportunity to demonstrate their ability to communicate effectively in english. second, the contest could serve as a forum for students from different background to share their insights and experiences. it is important to note that only a current undergraduate student is eligible for the contest. each of the contestants would be asked to deliver a prepared speech of 5 minutes and an impromptu speech based on the topic assigned after the prepared speech. the contest would be an off-line event at the international conference hall on 日期。 a panel from the esl faculty shall select five finalists from all participants. the finalists would present their speeches after which three winners (and two honorable mentions) would be chosen. 面试问题

im looking forward to your reply. thank you very much for everything youve done. wish you all the best.


yours sincerely,




directions: suppose you have just participated in a school project of collecting used books on campus. you are now to write a report about the project, which may include its aim,organization,participants and activities. you will have 30 minutes to write the report. you should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words. 求职信息

last sunday, a profound activity, school project of collecting used books, was held on campus. a host of students poured their passion into the event and almost everyone considered it as a meaningful way to access to knowledge, based on the actual situation yesterday.


our university student union had made some arrangements for the project. from my perspective, the following two purposes can interpret this activity. to begin with, this kind of activity would cut down expenses of students, cultivating the awareness of saving. in the mean time, collecting used books can decrease the recycling and reprinting of books, and it is also benefit for the protection of environment. anyone in the school who was curious about the project registered their names on the list and brought their books to student union’s office, room 115, e building last friday.


the collected books have been displayed in the library. all students who attended the event enjoyed this marvellous period. 礼仪

级成绩查询 四级分数分配情况 篇五

^v^thanksgiving^v^ is a persons innate nature, is a persons conscience indelible, but also successful people in modern society the health performance of character, a person is not even thanksgiving, the person must know is to have a cold unfeeling heart. of life on the road will have to keep touching the matter of thanksgiving. not to mention the family, that is, daily life, work, study matter encountered in the person encountered by bit by bit given the concern and help, are worthy of our intentions to remember well, bearing in mind that the beauty of selfless humanity, and neither return keisuke grace. thanksgiving not only for gratitude, because some of en is we can not return, and some favor a more than able to pay off an equivalent return, and only moved with pure hearts to go to go to forever engraved in mind that you can truly worthy of favor people. 求职信息

recently, a hot news spreads in weibo, it is said that a beautiful girl who has master degree quits her job as a website editor, she chooses to open a food shop, and she sells sleeve-fish, which makes great profit each day. when people question her decision, she says she is proud of herself and there are no high and low jobs. i appreciate her attitude, but people hold different ideas. 面试问题

on the one hand, as a master degree student, she should use her talent and serve for the society. opening the food shop, the girl loses her talent, what she has learned for many years just being useless. if the students have the chance in her position, they will choose the job that has something connect with the major. working in the food shop doesn’t need the master degree.


一方面,作为一名研究生,她应该使用她的天赋,为社会服务。开食品店,女孩失去了她的天赋,她学这么多年的知识都没有用处了。如果学生有机会像她一样,他们会选择从事和专业相关的工作。从事食品店不需要研究生学历。 面试网

上面内容就是求职面试网为您整理出来的5篇《四级成绩查询 四级分数分配情况》,希望对您有一些参考价值,更多范文样本、模板格式尽在求职面试网。


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