
2019-12-10 09:27 作者 :佚名 TAG标签:

  Basic information
  Nationality: China
  Current Place: Guangzhou
  Marital Status: Single
  Age: 22 years
  Career Objective
  Application type: Jobseeker
  Preferred job title: Domestic Trade: trading staff 、 Trade Documentary Assistant: 、 Secretary/Office Clerk:
  Working life: 0
  Title: No title
  Job type: full-time
  Expected Start date: In two months
  Expected salary: ¥1,500--¥2,000
  Preferred working place: Guangzhou
  Work experience
  Companys name: **** Paper Factory Of Dongguan
  Begin and end date: 2012-07-2012-08
  Enterprise nature: Private enterprises
  Industry: Paper Making/Printing
  Job Title: storekeeper qzm4
  Job description: shipment,taking delivery of goods,accounting
  Reasons for leaving: schooling
  Companys name: **** advertising company of Huizhou
  Begin and end date: 2011-07-2011-08
  Enterprise nature: Private enterprises
  Industry: Advertisement
  Job Title: assistant
  Job description: Arranging staff,preparing materials etc
  Reasons for leaving: schooling
  Educational Background
  Name of School: Huashang College Guangdong University Of Business Studies
  Highest Degree: Bachelor
  Date of Graduation: 2014-07-01
  Name of Major: International Business
  Education experience: Start date End date Education organization Majors Certificate Certificate
  2011-09 2011-12 Huashang College Guangdong University Of Business Studies International business CET-4
  Language Ability
  Foreign Language: English Level: good
  Chinese level: excellent Cantonese Level: perfect


  Relevant skills and abilities
  I can make good use of office software and possess the able of organization and arrangement.Besides,I am responsible and enthusiastic at work. 求职面试

