
2017-05-19 14:35 作者 : 围观 : TAG标签:
摘要:What is more important to you: the money or the work? 对你而言,工资和工作哪个更重要? Money is always important, but the work you perform is the most important. Every employee who has quit a job in frustration knows the importance of enjoy


Money is always important, but the work you perform is the most important. Every employee who has quit a job in frustration knows the importance of enjoying their line of work. Let s face it, there are a few positions that you wouldn t do no matter the salary.




WORST ANSWER: This question may be posed to you in different ways, at different times in the interview. The interviewer knows what he s doing: he s looking for inconsistent answers on your part to determine if you ve been coached . The worst thing you could do is answer differently than you did before. At that point, your consistency comes into question and the one thing that s valued across all cultures is consistency. 礼仪

最差回答:在面试中,面试官会以不同的方式在不同的时间向你提出这个问题。面试官知道他在做什么:他在寻找你回答问题中前后不一致的地方,以此来判断你是不是有备而来。最糟糕的回答就是前后不一致。这个时候,你的一致性就会受到质疑。而在所有的文化中,保持一致性都是十分重要的。 面试网

BEST ANSWER: The best answer is to put things into perspective. Money IS important highly important after all, no one works for free, but enjoying your work, your co-workers, and boss rank higher. We all know people, perhaps you ve been in this same circumstance, who were highly paid but despised their job. qzm4

最好的回答:最好的回答一定要全面合理。工资确实很重要,毕竟任何人的工作都不是白干的,但是,更重要的是一定要喜欢自己的工作、老板以及同事。我们都知道一些人工资很高,却厌恶自己的工作,也许你也曾遇到过相同的情况。 求职面试

Example: My honest answer is that it depends on the money and the work. Obviously there are positions I wouldn t do no matter the pay, but others I would consider on a volunteer basis. In reality, though, I don t think a strong compensation package and enjoyable work are mutually exclusive. My desire is to work in a field that offers me not only the challenge of growth and personal development, but professional development as well. Based on what I ve learned about this open position at your company, I believe I m an ideal fit.

范例回答: 说实话,这要看工资水平和所从事的工作。显然,有些工作即使给再高的工资我也不会做,而有些工作即使义务帮忙我也愿意。实际上,我也不认为高工资和喜欢的工作两者之间是对立的。我期望的工作既具有不断的挑战成长空间,同时还可为个人发展提供机会。基于我对您公司招聘职位的了解,我相信自己可以胜任。

